Добрый день Всем! Подскажите как регнуться на парнерке стархов, захожу к ним на www.pokerstarspartners.com, регаюсь там на свой аккаунт на старзах, мне приходит два письма:

"Hello Yuriy,

Thank you for your email.

Please be advised that you cannot find your account on
Pokerstarspartners.com because your PokerStars account 'Jgnto' has not
been tracked to any affiliates. You should have created your account through
one of our affiliates to be able to find your account on their site. Your
duplicate account was tracked on our affiliates program but this is not
longer active at PokerStars.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.

Thank you for choosing PokerStars."

"I am sorry to advise that we are not able to retroactively
attach "pokerstarspartners.com" with your original account.

While this means that you will not be able take advantage of their promotions, I trust
you will find one (or more!) of our many promotions and rewards suitable to you, and to
your play."

Подскажите пожалуйста в чем причина кто регался там?