Мультитейблинг - зло. Так-то.

Старзы прислали письмо, в котором пытаются запретить мне играть 24 стола из-за пары-тройки сит-аутов во время десятичасовой сессии. Аргументируют тем, что пытаются создать наиболее комфортные условия для фишей, которые не любят ждать. Неприятно удивили, в общем. Разочарован. Текст письма от саппорта:

Dear PokerStars Player,

We're writing to inform you that a review of your playing data has indicated that you have been taking significantly longer to act on your hands than is acceptable when you are playing at more than 20 tables at a time.

PokerStars reserves the right to lower the number of ring game tables a player is allowed to sit at simultaneously. Reviews of individual table caps are performed regularly on a monthly basis. This e-mail should be considered a notice that if you do not speed up your average response time during this coming month, your individual table cap may be lowered for the next month.

We are aware that it might take some time to get used to this, but ask you pay attention when playing multiple tables that you are not unwittingly slowing down the tables where you are seated.

We do appreciate that you choose to play at PokerStars and hope for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Table caps exist to facilitate the most enjoyable poker experience possible in the world’s largest poker room. These caps keep players from playing more tables than they can keep up with and slowing down their opponents’ playing experiences as a result. PokerStars has always had the expressed goal of creating a positive environment for all players, which is why it is necessary to take action when there are issues that are in conflict with these goals.

If you have any questions about this notice or any other matters pertaining to our offerings on PokerStars, you are welcome to send a mail to support@pokerstars.com, and we will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for choosing PokerStars, the world’s largest poker room.

PokerStars Poker Room Management
Напомню, что fast столы не играю, сит-ауты случаются крайне редко. Совсем с катушек съехали, видимо. Начали за здравие (PTR), а дальше как-то не очень. Судя по всему, прав был тот товарищ, который писал про отсутствие будущего у регов. Возможно, преувеличиваю на эмоциях, однако тенденция вся эта крайне настораживает..

Отписал им ответ, посмотрим, как отреагируют. Следите за обновлениями.

UPDATE: "Мы вас просто предупредили"

We are both raising the table caps of players who play significantly faster than average and lowering the table caps of players who play significantly slower than average. This is in an effort to decrease the time that players have to wait on average between actions. As you can imagine, most of our players play significantly fewer tables than yourself and one of our most common complaints is about players taking too long at the tables and slowing down the games.

Please keep in mind that we have not lowered your table cap at this time. We will never lower a player's table cap without giving them an opportunity to increase their playing and adjust to playing more quickly.

Raising nanonoko's table cap was done for an official Guinness Record setting attempt, and we have offered to any other players the same opportunity if they arrange for Guinness to record their result.

Best Regards,

PokerStars Poker Room Management

Отписал им, что в принципе понимаю их точку зрения, но не согласен с ними в целом. Понятия "приемлемо" и "в среднем" слишком субъективны. Да и потом, как уже было не раз писано, - Terms of Service должны быть одинаковыми для всех. А тем, у кого шило в одном месте, можно посоветовать играть в Zoom или на Fast-столах.

Поглядим, что будет в следующем месяце.

P.S.: Удивило, что они якобы увеличивают количество столов тем, кто фигачит быстрее робота о_О Интересно, на самом деле так? Есть такие люди вообще? :)